Thursday, July 24, 2014

7 Steps to Crafting Your Wedding Hashtag

Did you know that 55% of all weddings now have hashtags? Creating a wedding hashtag is a fun, easy way to document memories from your special day and it fosters an all-inclusive atmosphere among participating guests. 

But with so many hashtags out there, how do you make yours stand out? 

According to The Knot, in just 7 Steps you can have the perfect wedding hashtag. Read Here. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

8 Most Epic First Looks

The first look at a wedding is a paramount moment every bride and groom eagerly anticipates. Traditionally saved for when the bride walks down the aisle, the first look has evolved—many couples are opting to for an intimate reveal prior to the ceremony.

But not only are first looks happening before the ceremony, they’re also becoming more and more creative! Take a look at the top 8 most epic reveals below and while you scroll through remember that whether…

It’s blindfold suspense                                                      

In front of a bridal party audience

An enchanting magical door

Playful with balloons

Reflecting your sense of humor

Being greeted like a royal

Waiting for your groom to arrive 

OR a traditional affair
Via Sammi Ruse on Pinterest 

...getting any of these genuine reactions from your groom will be what makes the first look most memorable. &

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Poetic Reflection: What Desire Governs Your Life?

Poem Inspired by Psalm 84:2
“My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”

How wretched is my soul oh Lord
To thirst for temporal things
To believe the riches of this world
Can replace you, my everything.

Rid me of my fixation
To seek shelter in earthly things
And teach my heart oh Lord
To make you its rightful king.

Transform my spirit to be like the psalmist
Content in communion with you
Fervently craving to spend more time
With the one I ought to cling to.

To know you better, to love you deeper
It’s truly what my heart longs for
But the daily distractions and selfish ambitions
My time and attention they mercilessly implore.

Cleanse me of myself
And turn my eyes to you
Oh Lord, make me righteous
For it is you I want to pursue.

Help me be a better disciple
Abandoning my selfish ways
To seek your kingdom above all else
Giving you all glory and praise.

One day I will be in your heavenly courts
Praising you in sinless form
But until that day, while on this earth
Give me strength to not conform.

By: Rachel Ruth 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Jesus Today by Sarah Young

Sarah Young is the author of numerous yearly devotionals including the best selling book Jesus Calling. Her approach to composing these inspirational devotionals is through the practice of listening prayer—a theological practice in which a person aims to hear messages directly from God. From years of journaling experience and discernment from the Holy Spirit, Sarah is acutely aware of God’s messages during her daily quite time.

In an article posted by Christianity Today, Sarah’s publisher Laura Minchew comments on why she thinks Sarah’s words do come from Jesus—she says, “I don’t know how so many people can read the same page with such different needs and feel like it is speaking to them unless it is them being open to the Lord speaking.”

On that note, I’d like to share with you today’s devotional from Sarah Young’s book Jesus Today. May the words grounded in scriptural truth speak uniquely to you during this very moment in your life.

{Excerpt from Jesus Today}

I WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR; YOU NEED ONLY BE still. I know how weary you are, My child. You have been struggling to keep your head above water, and your strength is running low. Now is the time for your to stop striving and let Me fight for you. I know this is not easy for you to do. You feel as if you must keep struggling in order to survive, but I am calling you to rest in Me. I am working on your behalf; so be still, and know that I am God.

Quieting your body is somewhat challenging for you, but stilling your mind may often seem downright impossible. In your striving to feel secure, you have relied too heavily on your own thinking. This struggle to be in control has elevated your mind to a position of autonomy. So you need the intervention of the Holy Spirit. As Him to control your mind more and more—soothing you from the inside out. Take time to rest in the shadow of the Almighty while I fight for you.

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still."
Exodus 14:14

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
Psalm 46:10

"The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." 
Romans 8:6

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." 
Psalm 91:1

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

American Pride: 4th of July Inspiration

Happy Birthday America! With 4th of July just around the corner, here are some party outfit words of wisdom. Whether you are…

Keeping it classy

Via                                                                Via

Accessorizing boldly

Hot Red Rio                                   Rouge Zinnia 743

Or wearing the American flag

Via                                                               Via 

…be PATRIOTIC and be proud to wear red, white and blue :) 

Me and my siblings on 4th of July last year (2013)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Modesty: I Don't Think it Means What You Think it Means

Rachel Held Evans is a popular blogger, author and speaker whose articulate article on modesty attracted many readers. 

She addresses the struggle women face with their appearance when clashing culture messages (popular vs. modesty) are saturating women's perspective on image. 

"While popular culture tends to disempower women by telling them they must dress to get men to look at them, the modesty culture tends to disempower women by telling them they must dress to keep men from looking at them. " 

The article feature 3 extremes those who value modesty should avoid. 

What are they? Click Here to Read the Article! 

I guarantee you’ll be surprised by what she has to say.