Tuesday, April 15, 2014


In reflecting upon the story of Palm Sunday—Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem—it’s impossible not to notice the underlying message of humbleness.

In fact, a steady stroke of humbleness is evident throughout the artwork that is Jesus’ life.

Jesus Christ, the king of kings, entered this world in a stable and was placed in a manger to rest (Luke 2:16); he set aside his deity to become human and live in a broken world (Philippians 2:5-8); his triumphal entry into Jerusalem was not a grand spectacle on horseback or in a lavish carriage, rather he was ushered in riding on a donkey (Matthew 21:5); and lastly, as an innocent man, he suffered death by crucifixion (Luke 23:20-24)—a death sentence only the most outrageous criminals faced during that time.

Throughout his life, Jesus endured criticism and hateful speech from others—he was even physically tormented when seized into captivity by the Roman soldiers! But he did not allow that to affect his purpose on earth—Jesus sought to fulfill the Father’s will and please God, not men.

Dear sister, you may be worn down and burned out because you’re striving to please others. You may be discouraged because you feel you don’t measure up to our culture’s image of “the perfect woman.” You may be struggling with an issue or two or three or ten!—pride, addiction, emotional abuse, insecurity, self-image, uncertainty about your next steps in life, loneliness, (insert your struggle here)—regardless of the issue or how many you’ve stored up, this world is telling you you’re weak and worthless because of your struggles.

No. It’s important you know your issues don’t define you. Do not let living for others be the death of your beautiful spirit.

Jesus, on the 3rd day after his death, was raised from the dead and is ALIVE in heaven, shining bright in all his glory, united with the Father and heavenly hosts. (Luke 24:1-8).

Jesus conquered death! His humble sacrifice saved you and me from being captive to the sin of this world and eternal death. You have the power through Jesus Christ to break free and accept the gift of eternal life in heaven.

So I encourage you, humble yourself before God. Bring before him your broken spirit and ask for his healing.

Commit your life to his will and your humble obedience will be rewarded.

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